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Canker Sore On The Tongue: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies 2020

Canker sore on the tongue

Canker sore on the tongue: Are you jostling with the small and painful ulcers in your mouth or inside your lips lining which appear where or grey with a red border? Generally referred to as canker sores, it is one of the most common types of lesions. 

They are not contagious like cold sores and majorly attributed into three classes as follows:

Canker Sore Treatment: Best Things Here

Minor Sores

These sores are as small as 3-10 mm in size and are one of the most common types of ulcers. These sores last about 10-14 days and do not leave any scarring.

Major Sores

These sores have a diameter greater than 10 mm and have an irregular border. It may take 2-3 weeks to a month to heal these types of ulcers, and they leave scarring as well.

Herpetiform Sores

The large group of multiple sores is characterized as Herpetiform. Each sore is less than 2-3 mm in size but present in a cluster. Like minor sores, these sores also heal up without leaving scars.

What are the significant causes of canker sores?

Canker sore on the tongue

These are multiple factors which are responsible for canker sores as follows:
The intake of acidic foods or citrus fruits triggers the canker sores.
  • Deficiency of Vitamin B12, folate, iron and zinc
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Certain bacteria causing allergy in the mouth
  • Weakness in the immune system due too cold, AIDS/HIV or organ transplant
  • Emotional stress
  • Use of toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Food sensitivity to certain products
  • Oral sensitivity
  • Certain drugs induce canker sores like aspirin, oral nicotine, anti-inflammatory, etc
  • Chemotherapy

Are canker sores similar to cold sores?

Canker sore on the tongue

No! Cold sores are painful blisters filled with pus, but canker sores are neither fever blisters nor contagious. Cold sores are the result of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and mostly occur outside lips while canker sores appear inside the mouth and around the lip lining. Cold sores are contagious, but canker sores are not.

What are the symptoms of canker sores?

Canker sores generally occur on the tongue, gums, and lining of cheeks, lips, and even on the palate on the back-roof of your mouth. Some of the common symptoms of the canker sores are as follows:
  • Pricking, burning or a tingling sensation just 24 hours before appearing of the sore
  • Finding difficulty in swallowing, eating or speaking
  • The appearance of the crater-like ulcers
Some of the rare symptoms associated with the canker sores are:
  • Sluggishness
  • The size of the lesions is more massive than usual
  • Sores are lasting for more than three weeks
  • Highly painful and even over-the-counter medicines are not working
If you are experiencing any of these rare symptoms, you should contact the doctor.

What are the natural remedies for canker sores?

Canker sores do not require any treatment, and these get healed automatically on its own within 10-15 days. However, there is particular irritation and pain associated with these canker sores, which can be relieved with the natural home remedies as below:
  • Tropical medications to ease inflammation and pain. These medications are highly effective in the beginning and can even prevent the outbreak of canker sores.
  • Use toothpaste, which is free from sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • If the reason for canker sores is Vitamin deficiency, taking vitamin supplements to heal these sores naturally
  • Avoiding acidic food or certain foods which trigger the canker sores
  • Applying ice chips top relieve the pain
If you are experiencing severe implications, referring to a doctor is highly recommended.

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  1. I was diagnosed with human papilloma virus (HPV) 4 years ago and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains, luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr Ogedegbe for natural treatment after one week i got 100% cure and all the wart and pains got disappeared, i shared this post because its part of my life experience, incase anyone need speedy help about this cure email Dr Ogedegbe via dr.ogedegbe6@gmail.com or Whatsapp him now on +2348109374702
